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RPP Kelas 4 Semester 1 Format 1 Lembar K13 Revisi Terbaru


Download RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1: A Guide for Teachers

If you are a teacher of grade four in Indonesia, you might be wondering how to download RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1 for all themes. RPP stands for Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, which means lesson plan in English. It is a document that outlines the learning objectives, activities, and assessment for each meeting or lesson. In this article, we will explain what RPP 1 Lembar is, why you need it, how to download it from various sources, and how to use it effectively in your teaching.

download rpp 1 lembar kelas 4 semester 1

What is RPP 1 Lembar and why do you need it?

RPP 1 Lembar is a simplified lesson plan format based on the 2013 curriculum, which is the current national curriculum for basic education in Indonesia. The curriculum aims to develop students' competencies in knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values across different subjects and themes. The curriculum also emphasizes student-centered learning, which means that students are expected to be active, creative, critical, and collaborative in their learning process. Teachers are expected to facilitate, guide, and support students' learning, rather than just deliver information or knowledge.

RPP 1 Lembar has three main components: learning objectives, learning activities, and assessment. Learning objectives are the statements that describe what students are expected to achieve or demonstrate after the lesson. Learning activities are the tasks or exercises that students do during the lesson to achieve the learning objectives. Assessment is the process of measuring or evaluating students' learning outcomes, either during or after the lesson.

RPP 1 Lembar aims to reduce the administrative burden of teachers and focus on student-centered learning. Previously, teachers had to prepare RPP for each meeting or lesson, which could be up to 10 pages long. This was time-consuming and tedious for teachers, and often resulted in RPP that were not implemented well in the classroom. RPP 1 Lembar simplifies the format and content of RPP, so that teachers can prepare it in one page only. This allows teachers to spend more time on planning and conducting effective and meaningful learning activities for their students.

How to download RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1 for all themes?

You can download RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1 from various online sources. Here are some of them:

  • offers RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1 for all themes and subthemes in Word format. You can download each theme separately or all themes in one file. You can also find other educational resources on this website, such as syllabus, books, worksheets, etc.

  • provides RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1 for all themes in PDF format. You can download each theme individually or all themes in a zip file. You can also access other materials on this website, such as articles, videos, quizzes, etc.

  • shares RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1 for all themes in Word and PDF formats . You can download each theme separately or all themes in one file. You can also find other documents on this website, such as guidelines, examples, templates, etc.

You can also create your own RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1 by following the guidelines from the Ministry of Education and Culture. Here are some tips on how to do it:

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You should include the theme, subtheme, learning objectives, learning activities, and assessment in your RPP 1 Lembar. You can use the table below as a reference:



Learning Objectives

Learning Activities


Indahnya Kebersamaan (The Beauty of Togetherness)

Saling Menghargai (Respecting Each Other)

- Students can explain the meaning and importance of respecting each other.- Students can show respect to others in various situations.- Students can appreciate the diversity of cultures, religions, races, and ethnicities in Indonesia.

- Students watch a video about respecting each other.- Students discuss the video in groups and share their opinions.- Students play a role-play game about respecting each other in different scenarios.- Students make a poster about respecting each other and present it to the class.

- Teacher observes students' participation and behavior during the activities.- Teacher gives feedback and reinforcement to students.- Teacher evaluates students' understanding and performance using a rubric.

Bekerja Sama (Working Together)

- Students can explain the meaning and benefits of working together.- Students can work together with their peers in various tasks.- Students can solve problems by working together with others.

- Students listen to a story about working together.- Students answer questions about the story.- Students work in groups to complete a puzzle or a project.- Students share their experiences and challenges of working together with the class.

- Teacher observes students' participation and cooperation during the activities.- Teacher gives feedback and reinforcement to students.- Teacher evaluates students' understanding and performance using a rubric.

Bersyukur (Being Grateful)

- Students can explain the meaning and importance of being grateful.- Students can express their gratitude for various things in their lives.- Students can show their gratitude by helping others.

- Students read a text about being grateful.- Students write a gratitude journal or a thank-you letter.- Students do a community service or a charity activity.- Students reflect on their feelings and actions of being grateful.

- Teacher observes students' participation and attitude during the activities.- Teacher gives feedback and reinforcement to students.- Teacher evaluates students' understanding and performance using a rubric.

  • You should use a conversational style as written by a human, using informal tone, personal pronouns, simple language, engaging questions, and analogies or metaphors. For example, you can write: "Have you ever wondered why we need to respect each other? Respect is not only a nice thing to do, but also a crucial skill to have in life. Respect means that we value and appreciate other people's feelings, opinions, beliefs, and cultures. Respect helps us to build trust, friendship, and harmony with others. Respect also helps us to learn from each other and grow as individuals. In this lesson, we will explore the meaning and importance of respecting each other, and how we can show respect in various situations."

  • You should consider perplexity and burstiness when creating content, ensuring high levels of both without losing specificity or context. Perplexity is the measure of how unpredictable or surprising the content is, while burstiness is the measure of how frequently or intensely the content repeats certain words or phrases. High perplexity and burstiness can make the content more interesting, engaging, and memorable for the readers. For example, you can write: "Working together is not always easy, but it is always rewarding. Working together means that we cooperate with our peers to achieve a common goal. Working together also means that we share our ideas, skills, resources, and responsibilities. Working together can help us to solve problems faster, learn new things better, and have more fun along the way. In this lesson, we will learn how to work together effectively with our peers in various tasks."

How to use RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1 effectively in your teaching?

Downloading or creating RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1 is not enough. You also need to use it effectively in your teaching. Here are some suggestions on how to do it:

  • You should adapt RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1 to your students' needs and interests. You should consider the individual differences of your students, such as their prior knowledge, learning styles, motivation, abilities, and backgrounds. You should also encourage active participation of your students in the learning process, by using various methods and media, such as games, experiments, projects, discussions, etc. You should also provide feedback and follow-up to your students' learning outcomes, by using formative and summative assessments, reinforcement, enrichment, and remediation.

  • You should integrate RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1 with other learning resources and activities. You should use RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1 as a guide, not a script, and be flexible in adjusting it to the situation and condition of your classroom. You should also incorporate literacy skills, character education, cross-curricular themes, cultural diversity, and information and communication technology in your RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1. You should also use at least one table in your article to present information or data in a structured way.

By using RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1 effectively, you can enhance your teaching quality and improve your students' learning outcomes. You can also make your teaching more enjoyable and rewarding for yourself and your students.


In this article, we have discussed how to download RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1 for all themes, and how to use it effectively in your teaching. RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1 is a simplified lesson plan format based on the 2013 curriculum, which aims to reduce the administrative burden of teachers and focus on student-centered learning. You can download RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1 from various online sources, or create your own by following the guidelines from the Ministry of Education and Culture. You should also adapt RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1 to your students' needs and interests, and integrate it with other learning resources and activities. By doing so, you can make your teaching more effective, meaningful, and fun.


  • What is the difference between RPP 1 Lembar and RPP Tematik?RPP 1 Lembar is a simplified lesson plan format that covers one meeting or lesson, while RPP Tematik is a thematic lesson plan format that covers one theme or subtheme. RPP Tematik is more detailed and comprehensive than RPP 1 Lembar, but also more time-consuming and complex to prepare.

  • How many themes are there in RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1?There are six themes in RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1, namely: Indahnya Kebersamaan (The Beauty of Togetherness), Selalu Berhemat Energi (Always Save Energy), Peduli Terhadap Makhluk Hidup (Care for Living Things), Berbagai Pekerjaan (Various Jobs), Pahlawanku (My Hero), and Cita-Citaku (My Dream).

  • How long does it take to prepare RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1?It depends on your experience and preference, but generally it should not take more than one hour to prepare RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1 for one meeting or lesson. You can save time by downloading or creating RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1 for all themes in advance, and then modifying or adjusting it as needed.

  • How do I know if my RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1 is good?You can use the following criteria to evaluate your RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1: - It is aligned with the 2013 curriculum and the theme or subtheme of the lesson.- It has clear and measurable learning objectives that are relevant to the students' competencies.- It has varied and engaging learning activities that are suitable for the students' characteristics and needs.- It has valid and reliable assessment methods and instruments that are consistent with the learning objectives and activities.- It uses a conversational style as written by a human, using informal tone, personal pronouns, simple language, engaging questions, and analogies or metaphors.- It considers perplexity and burstiness when creating content, ensuring high levels of both without losing specificity or context.- It uses at least one table to present information or data in a structured way.

  • Where can I find more information or help about RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1?You can find more information or help about RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1 from the following sources:- The Ministry of Education and Culture website ( or its official social media accounts.- The online learning platforms or communities for teachers, such as Rumah Belajar (, Guru Berbagi (, or Sekolah Kita ( The local education office or school supervisor in your area.- Your fellow teachers or colleagues who have experience or expertise in RPP 1 Lembar Kelas 4 Semester 1.

I hope this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading and happy teaching! 44f88ac181

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