Kerala Factories Rules, 19571. Short title, extent and commencement.
2. Definitions.
2A. Competent Person.
3. Approval of site, construction or extension of a factory.
4. Application for registration and grant of licence.
5. Grant of licence.
6. Amendment of licence.
7. Renewal of licence.
8. Transfer of licence.
9. Procedure on death or disability of licensee.
10. Issue of duplicate licence.
11. Payment of fees.
12. Notice of occupation.
12A. Notice of change of Manager.
12B. Guidelines, instructions and records.
12C. Register of Factories.
12D. Suspension of licence.
13. Appointment of Inspectors.
13A. Powers of Inspectors.
14. Duties of certifying Surgeon.
15. Cleanliness of walls and ceilings.
16. Record of whitewashing etc.
17. Disposal of trade wastes and effluents.
17A. Limits of temperature and air movement.
18. When artificial humidification not allowed.
19. Provision of hygrometer.
20. Exemption from maintenance of hygrometer.
21. Copy of Schedule to Rule 18 to be affixed near every hygrometer.
22. Temperature to be recorded at each hygrometer.
23. Specifications of hygrometer.
24. Thermometers to be maintained in efficient order.
25. An inaccurate thermometer not to be used without fresh certificate.
26. Hygrometer not be affixed to wall, etc., unless protected by wood.
27. No reading to be taken within 15 minutes of renewal of water.
28. How to introduce steam for humidification.
30. Lighting of interior parts.
31. Prevention of glare.
32. Power of Chief Inspector to exempt.
34. Quantity of drinking water.
35. Source of supply.
36. Means of supply.
37. Cleanliness of well or reservoir.
38. Report from Health Officer.
39. Cooling of water.
40. Latrine Accommodation.
41. Latrines to conform to Public Health Requirements.
42. Privacy of latrines.
43. Sign boards to be displayed.
44. Urinal accommodation.
45. Urinals to conform to Public Health requirements.
46. Certain latrines and urinals to be connected to sewerage system.
47. Whitewashing, Colourwashing or latrines and urinals.
48. Construction and maintenance of drains.
49. Water in latrines.
50. Number and location of spittoons.
51. Type of spittoons.
52. Cleaning of spittoons.
53. Any guard specified to be deemed to be fencing.
54.Certain parts of machinery to be fenced.
55. Certain parts of machine tools to be fenced.
56. Emery and abrasive wheels to be provided with an iron cover guard.
57. The floor round every machine to be in good repair and nonslippery.
58. Important pulleys to be provided with belt hangers.
59. Driving straps of fast and loose pulleys to have suitable string gear.
60. Lubrication of bearing, etc., of running belts to be done only by experience or trained persons.
61. Service Platforms to be provided for overhead shafting.
62. Machinery in motion not to be cleaned with cotton wastes, etc., held in hand.
63. Shafting ladders.
64. Certain workers to be supplied with certain clothing free of charge.
65. Belts, etc., of machinery requiring attention when in motion to have safe and convenient access.
66. Additional weights not to be placed on safety valve of any boiler except with written sanction.
67. Gear wheels of cashew roasting drums to be covered.
68. Display of pictorial safety posters.
69. The Chief Inspector's decision in regard to measures to be taken for the protection of machinery final.
70. Employment of young persons on dangerous machines.
71. Part of machines deemed to be guarded by the makers.
72. Hoists and Lifts.
73. Inspection of lifting machines, chains ropes and lifting tackles.
74. Pressure Vessels or Plant.
74A. Watersealed Gasholder.
75. Excessive weight.
76. Protection of eyes.
77. Minimum dimension of manholes.
78. Exemptions.
79. Fire.
80. In match factories.
81. Further safety precautions.
81A. Building and structures.
81B. Machinery and plant.
81C. Methods of work.
81D. Stacking and storing of materials, etc.
81E. Reaction Vessels and Kettles.
81F. The Qualifications, conditions of service and duties of Safety Officers shall be as follows.
81G. Examination of eye sight of certain workers.
81H. Railways in factories.
81I. Safety Committee.
81J. Quality of Personal Protective Equipments.
81K. Protective Equipments.
81L. Ovens and Driers.
81M. Thermic fluid heaters.
81AA. Site Appraisal Committee.
81AB. Health and Safety Policy.
81AC. Collection, development and dissemination of information.
81AD. Disclosure of information to workers.
81AE. Disclosure of information to the Chief Inspector.
81AF. Information on Industrial wastes.
81AG. Review of the information furnished to workers etc.
81AH. Confidentiality of information.
81AI. Medical Examination.
81AJ. Occupational Health Centres.
81AK. Ambulance Van.
81AL. Decontamination facilities.
81AM. Making available Health Records to workers.
81AN. Qualifications, etc. of Supervisors.
81AO. Issue of guidelines.
82. Site of feed tables and protective devices in jute mills.
83. The roll table to be fenced and brushes for sweeping the roll table to be provided.
84. Finger guard to be provided at the feed and of every revolving press.
85. The beater arms and feed mouth of decorticator to be guarded.
86. Guards to platen and guillotine machine.
87. Protective measures against danger from electrical shock.
87B. Protective measures relating to Fragile Roofs.
88. Washing facilities.
88A. Facilities for storing and drying clothing.
89. First aid appliance.
89A. Notice regarding first aid.
90. Ambulance room.
91. Canteen.
92. Dining hall.
93. Equipment.
94. Prices to be charged.
94A. Supply of balanced diet in the canteen.
95. Account.
96. Managing Committees.
96A. Medical inspection of canteen staff.
97. Relaxation of rule in the case of centralized cooking.
98. Shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms.
99. Creches.
100. Wash room.
101. Supply of milk and refreshment.
102. Clothes for creche staff.
102A. Exemption from the provision of creche.
103. Compensatory Holidays.
104. Muster roll for exempted factories.
105. Restriction of double employment.
106. Notice of periods of work for adults.
107. Register of adult workers.
108. Persons who hold position of supervision or management or are engaged in confidential position in a factory.
109. List to be maintained of persons holding confidential position or position of supervision of management.
110. Exemption of certain adult workers.
111. Exemption to women working in fish curing and fish canning or fish freezing factories.
112. Notice of period of work for children.
113. Register of child workers.
114. Leave with wages register.
115. Leave book and attendance card.
116. Medical Certificate.
117. Notice by workers.
118. Grant of leave with wages.
119. Payment of wages if the worker dies.
120. Register to be maintained in case of exemption under section 84.
121. Calculation of cash equivalent of advantage accruing through the concessional sale of food grains and other articles.
122. Dangerous manufacturing process or operations.
123. Notification of Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences.
124. Notice of poisoning or disease.
125. Procedure in appeals.
126. Display of notices.
127. Returns.
128. Service of notice.
129. Information required by the Inspector.
130. Muster Roll.
131. Register of accidents and dangerous occurrences.
132. Maintenance of Inspection Book.
133. Particulars of rooms.
134. Posting of certain notice in work rooms.
135. Application.
136. Definitions.
137. Exceptions.
138. Housekeeping.
139. Improper use of chemicals.
140. Storage of food.
141. Testing.
142. Process hazards.
143. Unauthorized personnel.
144. Visitors.
145. Instruments.
146. Cocks and valves.
147. Manholes.
148. Emergency instructions.
149. Protection of reaction mixtures.
150. Electrical apparatus.
151. Place of work.
152. Packing, storage and transport of chemicals.
153. Site.
154. Isolation of building.
155. Fire resistance.
156. Dangers of ignition (including lighting installation).
157. Nonsparking tools.
158. Static electricity.
159. Lightning condition.
160. Process heating.
161. Escape of materials.
162. Leakage of inflammable liquids.
163. Cleaning of empty containers.
164. Storage of combustible materials.
165. Installing of pipe lines for inflammable liquids.
166. Packing of reaction vessels.
167. Safety valves.
168. Vigorous or delayed reactions.
169. Examinations, testing and repair of plant.
170. Alarm systems.
171. Further precautions.
172. Escape of gases, etc.
173. Danger due to effluents.
174. Staging.
175. Instruction as regards risk.
176. Breathing apparatus.
177. Treatment of persons.
178. Personal protective equipment.
179. Cloakrooms.
180. Special bathing accommodation.
181. Entry in to vessels.
182. Examination and Repair of plant.
183. Storage of acid carboys.
184. Buildings.
185. Leakage.
186. Precautions against escape.
187. Drainage.
188. Covering of vessels.
189. Ventilation.
190. Means of escape.
191. Treatment of personnel.
192. Maintenance.
193. Washing facilities.
194. Mess room facilities.
195. Ambulance room.
196. Medical Personnel.
197. Medical Examination.
198. Duties of workers.
199. Application.
200. Entry into gas tar or coal tar still.
201. Entry into bleaching powder chambers.
202. Special precautions for nitro and amido processes.
203. Precautions during caustic grinding, etc.
204. Chlorate manufacture.
205. Restrictions on the employment of young persons and women.
206. Duties of employees.
207. The Travancore.
Kerala Factories Rules, 1957
kerala factories rules 1957 pdf 19