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Backtrack 5 ISO Torrent 64bit 64 bit: How to Use the Linux Distribution for Digital Forensics and Pe


I tried installing kali linux on my windows 7 ultimate O.S, because i learnt that's the O.S hackers work with on here. After i downloaded kali linux 64bit torrent from following the installation guide from this site (Same way as installing backtrack 5 which is now outdated), After downloading the Kali Linux 64 bit Torrent which was about 2.84gig I was able to burn it into a flash drive in which i booted(''not sure if i actually did booted it but i did run the setup.exe is that what booted means'') from for the installation because i had no DVD-CD to make use of instead. After i ruined the setup.exe from the flash drive where i burn the kali linux into using rufus, It got to a point where i was ask to reboot my computer. After rebooting my computer, i saw another O.S which was named kali linux so so so I can't really remember, I clicked on it and kali linux showed up and i was asked to continue with the installation, I choose my country and click cotniue it was detecting if there was a DVD-CD in my CD ROM but finally it detected the flash drive in which i burned the actual download file into so the installation continued and then I got to a point where i was asked disk partitioning i guess i was so dumb here because i choose use entire disk. I was a bit overwelhmed thinking the kali has been installed on my laptop then i was taken to a time zone page i choose Estern and then i got to a mirror page i choose yes then it asked me to choose a mirror i choose several mirrors but it keeps saying the same thing like internet problem or this kali is not support, I turn off my laptop by pressing the off/on botton and after turning my laptop back on, everything became blank i didn't see my windows 7 O.S nor the kali linux O.S now my laptop is just useless because i can not do anything with in, i al using a friend laptop to write this. Please I am seeking help from everybody who knows what i can do to recover my windows 7 O.S and the files in it and also how i can successful install kali linux on my laptop without my windows 7 getting affected again.

I have screwed with this many times. I don't know where you are in the process right now after all these comments but I can help you. Downloading the torrent etc etc etc isn't the way to go, in my opinion. There's a much more simple way that, with a few clicks, can get your Kali up and running right away. Let me know. The problem you're having now sounds like you haven't changed your settings back so you can access Windows like normal. With regards to the other stuff it sounds as though you might have downloaded a 32 bit VM and a 64bit Kali machine. If you download a 32bit VM you have to make sure you use a 32bit Kali iso. Same goes for 64bit VM and 64bit iso. They have to match.

Backtrack 5 ISO Torrent 64bit 64 bit


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